Tuesday 19 October 2010

Black Slim Fit Suit from Topman for only £60 - What a bargain!!

So I'm vain and want to look reasonably good. Finding the right suit can be a bit of a minefield and I've only really been happy with it since going the tailored route. But this weekend while patrolling the shops I found this suit in the Topman store where the suit jacket was for £40 and the trousers for only £20 - now that is what I called a bargain!!! You can see my picture I think I look pretty cool :-) What do you think? Be kind....

No matter what anyone tells you, a badly fitted suit and the wrong colour can make any guy look like a tea pot.  I like in a solid colour, like the one in this picture,
With a solid dark colour, careful cut (slim fit - this means it's fitted around you rather than expecting you to be slim, the bigger stuff looks like a tent) and slanted pockets I actually end up looking as good as I'm likely to, short of getting back into the gym.
I love Topman, but I have to say now that I am nearing 30 I find it a bit difficult to find clothes in my age range there - but I hope I have a few more years before I have to give up on Topman completely.


  1. you look great

  2. Black slim fit suits are my favorite because they're fine and elegant.

  3. Excellent suit with valuable price. Men with lean figure look slim and smart in black slim fit suit.
