Wednesday 6 October 2010

Swaroski Hot Diamond Necklace - Maybe a Christmas Present for my Mum!!

I  have been eyeing this gorgeous Swaroski Hot Diamond Necklace for my mother for almost a year. It is available for three hundred and ten pounds but I am hoping that I will be able to get it for a big discount in the winter sale.

I think it is classy piece of jewellery which would look fantastic on my mother and she will be able to wear it for a long time. The only thing I will need to do it start saving for it now three hundred pounds is hell lot of a money!! But I think this is worth it. My mum is lucky isn't she?


  1. Your mum is going to love it - I bought this last year in dark red cherry colour it it worth the money.

  2. Bought this for Komal last month. :)

    Its really good. I'm sure she'll love it.


  3. where did you get it from Girish - wait is worth three hundered pounds or did you get it cbeaper ?

  4. hi ayush .....
    nice space...just love dat necklace.....beautiful.where r u planning t get it from....ur mum is gona love it...

  5. Hi Biny, Thanks am glad you like it.

  6. I got it from India.. paid Rs. 22,000/- after a discount (from a known source). I'm as poor with financials as I always was so please calculate how many pounds it translates into.

    Let me know if you want me to get it from here and send it to aunty.


  7. Hey Girish thanks - you are very kind. But that equates to £314 same price as here :-(
